lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Unit 11 Talents.

This unit is important because allows us disclose our classmates wich of the many talent that exists one as a person can do

1.- What's do you talent?
My talent is dry hair

2.- Explain you talent?
Dry hair is a talent wonderful because is very useful for us woman, because helps us get a better look always be beautiful. Is done by many people who enjoy this wonderful talent

3.- What do you need to do it?
Thinghs that are needed for drying hair are:
- Is needed the hair is clean and humid for start.
- Hair is divided sections to go to work one by one.
- Begins to stretch the hair from root by way that stretch well
- Is still stretching for repeated until the hair is dried and the effect it if you want smooth, straight, in ward, outwards to taste for this must work with appropriate brush.
- Continues with each section of hair to finish.
- To reach the front straighten hair to front and brush pull it backward giving the effect uwanted hair.
- The end can drops were, or other product after dryving for.

4.- Why do you think your are good at it?
This talent is good do because gives more independence women to dress herself without every time you want to fix have to go a beauty salon or go to a friend who knows perform this wonderful talent.

5.- Show that you can do it.

I really liked this unit because I ussed my talent it's wonderful. Thank you very much to all

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