domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Hero From The Past

Unit 8 Heroes

This unit is very important because i know it my favorite heroes and howe important is for me.


Sebastian Francisco de Miranda Ravelo, Was a weathly merchant from the Canary Islands, and his mother Francisca Antonia Rodrìguez de Espinoza, Was a weathly Venezuelan. Growing up, Miranda enjoyed a weathly upbringing. Attending the finest private schools, while being slightly discriminated against for his Canary Islands roots.

Miranda was not necessarily a menber of high society growing up, as his heritage was continually put into question by the criollo aristocracy . As a consequence of that, Miranda grew up conceited and arrogant and use false title of "Count of Miranda"in Russia and sweden.

Francisco de Miranda in my hero because is your birthday the march 28 like mine and also because did history in Venezuelan.

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